🎖️How to Create and Use Trigger Links in Your SMS and Emails

Find our practical guide to creating and integrating trigger links in your SMS and emails.

What is a Trigger Link?

A trigger link is a special link that triggers an action when clicked. In the context of Centiva CRM, these links can be used to automate actions such as adding tags, sending SMS or emails, and much more.

Step 1: Access the Conversations Section

Once logged into the Centiva CRM application, you will be directed to the dashboard. In the left menu, go to the conversations page by clicking on "Conversations."

Step 2: Navigate to the "Trigger Links" Tab

On the conversation details page, look for the "Trigger Links" tab. From the dropdown menu, click on “Links” to open the page where all trigger links are displayed.

Step 3: Create a Trigger Link

  1. At the top right of the page, click the "+ Add Link" button. 
  2. A new window will appear where you can enter the trigger link information:

    1. Name: Give a meaningful name to your trigger link for easy recognition.
    2. URL: Enter the URL for the trigger link.

Step 4: Using the Trigger Link in the Conversation

  1. Integrate the Trigger Link: While composing your message to send to your client, insert the trigger link to trigger an automated action when your client clicks on it.

Example usage in a message:

Hello [Client’s Name], click here to check out our new property listings: [your trigger link here]

Replace "[your trigger link here]" with the actual link generated after configuration in Centiva CRM.

Step 5: Configuring the Trigger Link from the Trigger Links Tab

  1. Access the “Triggers” Tab: Navigate to the “Automation” page where you have configured the automation you want to associate with the trigger link. On this page, look for the "Triggers" tab.
  2. Create a New Trigger Link: Click on the "+ Add Trigger" button to add a new trigger link.
  3. Name and Configure the Trigger Link:
    1. Give a meaningful name to your trigger link for easy recognition, such as "Trigger for New Properties."
    2. Configure the trigger link by selecting the appropriate automation you want to trigger when the link is activated, such as sending an email detailing the new properties available.
  4. Copy the Trigger Link: Once configured, copy the generated trigger link. This special link will be inserted into your communications to trigger the automated action you have set up.

Step 6: Using and Testing the Trigger Link

  1. Integrate the Trigger Link in the Conversation: Return to the “Conversation” page. Paste the trigger link into the message you are drafting for your client, as mentioned in Step 4.
  2. Test the Trigger Link: Before launching your campaign on a large scale, test the trigger link to ensure it triggers the automated action correctly.

Step 7: Monitoring and Optimization

  • Analyze Performance: After deploying your campaign, use Centiva CRM’s analytics tools to track the performance of the trigger link. This will help you adjust and optimize your automations to improve client engagement and enhance your marketing effectiveness.

By following these steps, you will be able to effectively create and use a trigger link from the Conversations page in Centiva CRM, tailored specifically to your needs to optimize client interactions and boost business opportunities.