How to connect Centris to your CRM to automatically import your leads?

Optimize your lead management by integrating Centris with your CRM for automated and efficient tracking.

In this tutorial, we will show you how to set up the automatic import of leads from Centris directly into your CRM. This process allows you to centralize your contacts and simplify their management by automatically transferring the information from contact forms or property inquiries into your CRM.

Step 1: Access Centris settings

To begin, log into your Centris account and follow the steps below to add your email address, which will be used to transfer your leads into your CRM.

  1. Click on the "Settings" button in your Centris account menu.


  2. You will be directed to the settings page. Here, click on the "Contacts" tab (or "Contact" if you're using the English version of Centris).


Step 2: Configure lead export

Once in the "Contacts" section, you will see an option labeled "Export leads from Centris". This is where you will configure the link between Centris and your CRM.

  1. Enter your license number. This is your broker ID assigned by Centris. Make sure it is entered correctly.
  2. After the license number, add


Step 3: Add the address and confirm

Once the email address is completed, all you have to do is:

  1. Click on "Add" to save the changes.
  2. From that moment, all the forms filled out on your property listings or contact requests on Centris will be automatically sent to your CRM as new opportunities in your pipeline.


By following these steps, you will have connected Centris to your CRM, allowing you to receive all your leads in a centralized manner, making your lead management and follow-up easier.