How to add a contact?

Find our practical guide to adding a contact to your list in a few simple steps.

Step 1: Access the Contacts Section 

Once logged into the Centiva CRM application, you will be directed to the dashboard. In the left-hand menu, navigate to the contacts page by clicking on "Contacts".

Step 2: Add a New Contact 

On the contacts page, at the top left, click on the "+ Add a contact" icon to begin entering the information for the new contact.

Step 3: Fill in Contact Details 

A new window will appear where you can enter the information for your new client, including:

    1. Adding a logo
    2. Full name: Ensure the client's name is accurately entered.
    3. Email address(es): Specify the client's primary email address.
    4. Phone number(s): Add the client's phone number for direct communication.
    5. Contact type: Whether it's a lead (prospect) or a client.
    6. Time zone
    7. In the "DND all channels" section, you can choose to disable some or all notifications within the application, such as emails, text messages, calls, and voicemails. Checking "DND Inbound Calls and SMS" will block incoming calls and text messages for a fee.

By checking "DND Inbound Calls and SMS", incoming calls and text messages will be blocked with associated charges.

Step 4: Save the Contact 

After filling in the necessary fields, click the "Save" button.

Step 5: Advanced Options 

You will be redirected to a new page where you can access advanced options for effective and personalized contact management. Make sure to explore these features based on your specific needs to optimize your marketing and customer relationship processes.

This includes:

  • Client profile
    • The contact type can be used to personalize the client type according to specific segments, allowing you to distinguish them based on their business relationship.
      • To do this, select the type from the dropdown menu, such as "Client/Prospect," "Supplier/Partner," etc.

    • Specify the type of transaction, whether buyer or seller.

    • Indicate the transaction motive.

    • The client classification allows you to categorize contacts based on predefined criteria such as engagement level, sales potential, etc.

      • To do this, select the relevant category from the dropdown menu, for example: "Premium," "Loyal," "High Potential," etc.

    • Define your client’s budget level.

    • Finally, indicate the type of partner/supplier.

  • Dates and Transaction Tracking
  • Primary Address of the Contact
  • Secondary Address of the Contact
  • Professional Information
  • Real Estate Portfolio
  • Information Related to Another Participant in the Transaction
  • Communication Options
  • Contact Source
  • Engagement score to identify active and interested contacts for prioritizing actions and customizing communications
In the "Actions" submenu:
  • Tags, customizable labels allowing you to categorize and easily identify your contacts based on their characteristics or behaviors. 

In the free version, tags are automatically assigned to your contacts and cannot be modified.

By following these steps, you can effectively add a new contact in your CRM. Always ensure your contact information is kept up-to-date and organized to optimize customer relationship management.